+M Foundation 57 min PODCAST November 27th, 2024

unMASKing with Male Educators Podcast


Dr Ray talks with Ashanti Branch

In this episode of the ‘unMasking with Male Educators’ podcast, Dr Ray Swann joins Ashanti Branch to discuss how to avoid teacher burnout.

Ashanti Branch is renowned for his work in creating supportive spaces for men to express their emotions and the groundbreaking work he has been doing through the Ever Forward Club.

Listen via Spotify or Apple Podcasts or wherever you find your podcasts. See the first 15mins here below.

Episode description and timestamps

This is essential listening, especially for first-year educators. To be honest, the first year will have you questioning your career choices. So this episode is packed with advice and tips to keep you connected with your male students in ways that make teaching sustainable. In Ray’s words, BEFORE you do anything, tend to the soil, the garden that is your classroom. AND tend to your own personal garden – your personal well-being. Build trust and safety through gameplay.

In this episode, we cover

  1. Fun and easy things outside of school that will make you a better teacher
  2. How good teaching starts and ends with a five-letter word that starts with T (not “teach”!)
  3. What is the soul of teaching?

(0:00) Class in session
(2:45) Get to know Ray and his teacher mask
(11:00) Being liked as a teacher is the wrong pursuit
(13:00) Early teacher milestones we all hit, and the teacher persona – how students read you
(15:00) Providing self-love as educators
(18:00) Year one burnout; safety is more important than entertainment. Paolo Freire’s power over vs. power with
(21:00) Culture, climate, and belonging – setting the weather in the classroom and how personal wellness/self-care affects this
(29:00) Safety and trust through games, before any curriculum
(33:00) The soul of teaching
(36:00) Smartphones in schools, kids forgetting how to read, and practicing curiosity and getting intel from students