+M Foundation 3 min READ March 6th, 2024

Australia’s Rising Loneliness Epidemic


Australia’s young people are getting lonelier.

An increasing number of young Australians are experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation, according to a revealing article in Pursuit.

The Paradox of Loneliness
The concept of loneliness often conjures images of the elderly, isolated due to age and physical limitations. However, the reality is that loneliness is not confined to any specific age group. In Australia, it is increasingly becoming a problem among the young.

Even though young people may be involved in romantic partnerships or have a supportive family, these factors do not provide full immunity against loneliness. It is a stark reminder that loneliness doesn’t discriminate; it can affect anyone, regardless of their circumstances.

The Psychological Impact
This rising tide of loneliness is not without its consequences. It has led to an alarming increase in psychological distress among young Australians. The mental health implications of such a trend are significant and call for urgent attention.

A Call to Action
While the situation is concerning, it is not without hope. Recognising the issue is the first step towards addressing it. The article calls for more research and proactive action to better understand this growing problem among Australia’s youth.

Increased awareness and understanding can lead to more effective strategies to combat loneliness among young people. This could include creating more opportunities for social connection, promoting mental health education, and providing accessible support services for those struggling with loneliness and its associated mental health effects.

The issue of loneliness among young Australians is a pressing one. It is a silent epidemic that is impacting the mental health of a generation of young people. However, with increased awareness, research, and action, it is a problem that society can begin to address effectively.

Read the full article, Australia’s young people are getting lonelier from Pursuit, by the University of Melbourne.